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Common Questions about Lift Supports

General Questions about Lift Supports, build, behavior, and more.

How can a designer ensure the longest life for a Lift Support in an application?

Orient the support "shaft down". this will continually lubricate the seal and shaft and reduce permeation through the seal. Utilize the largest gas volume possible in the support. In general, use the minimum stroke required with the largest body poss

How does temperature affect the life and performance of a Lift Support or Damper?

How does temperature affect the life and performance of a Lift Support or Damper?  Temperature affects Lift Supports in two ways, output force change and increased susceptibility to gas loss. As the temperature of the Lift Support changes, the intern

How can I Measure my Gas Struts, to find a replacement?

Table of Contents 1. Measure the Extended Length 2. Measure the Retracted Length 3. Understand the Ending Types 4. Stroke Length Ensuring you have the right lift supports for your car is essential for your hoods, trunks and lift gates to work correc

Does temperature influence the performance of a Lift Support?

Most supports thrive in the summer heat, and fail when the temperature begins to drop. The majority of the pressure ratings that we publish are determined at a temperature of 20 C or 68 degrees. For every 10 degrees C output force either increases

What are the different end types for lift supports?

Any type of connector that can be screwed or welded (Lift Supports only) to the shaft and/or body of the Lift Support or Damper should be suitable for use. When choosing a connector, the designer must take into account both tensile and compressive lo

What is the expected life of a Lift Support?

When estimating the life of a Lift Support, one must first determine how much force the support can lose before the application becomes unacceptable. The time it takes to lose this amount of force is considered to be the life of the support. All Lift

What types of end fittings can be used when mounting a Lift Support or Damper?

What types of end fittings can be used when mounting a Lift Support or Damper? Any type of connector that can be screwed or welded (Lift Supports only) to the shaft and/or body of the Lift Support or Damper should be suitable for use. When choosing a